Making Music in Montessori

Everything Montessori Teachers need to harness their inner musician and bring music to life in their classrooms



Michael Johnson

Some boys reading from a graphic-notation score as they rehearse a piece they composed.

Some boys reading from a graphic-notation score as they rehearse a piece they composed.

Do you dream of a classroom buzzing with children composing, improvising, and reading and writing music? Why not book a workshop?

Every year, as often as possible, I travel to schools around the world and give music workshops to show Montessori teachers how to use their music equipment. During these dynamic and fun 6-hour workshops, I draw on my experience as a music educator to empower Guides at all levels with some rudimentary elements of music (such as melody, rhythm, etc.) as well as a workable pedagogical approach to introducing those elements to their children.

An important goal of my workshops is to demystify music theory and the Montessori music lessons in order to provide Primary and Elementary educators a deeper understanding of the lessons and materials so they can feel more confident delivering the Montessori music curriculum.

As Guides introduce the folk song repertoire, cosmic stories, singing games, movement exercises, spontaneous performances, and skill-building activities they learn, music and movement become integrated into their classrooms as their children begin to notate, compose, and improvise music independently during the work period. 

Simply put, Guides attending one of my workshops gain the knowledge, skill, and confidence they need to make music with their children.

I'd love to come to your school and introduce to you and your Elementary and Primary colleagues topics such as:

  • setting up your environment for music making.

  • getting your children singing, composing, writing, moving, and improvising.

  • leading your children in a long list of lessons, activities, movement games, and dances.

  • facilitating your children’s spontaneous musical performances.

  • delivering the Montessori music lessons and generating ideas for follow-up.

The length, scope, and cost of a workshop depends on your requirements. I offer half-day and full-day workshops at either the Primary and Elementary levels, as well as two-day workshops at either the Elementary level or combined levels.

Fill in the booking form below or send me an email if you'd like more information or if you'd like to book a workshop. I'm looking forward to coming to your school!

Much of what I do in my workshops come from the newly released book, Making Music in Montessori, which you can order on Amazon here or directly from the publisher here.

If, in these times of a global pandemic, you and your team want to do a workshop online, via Zoom or another conferencing platform, I also offer webinars. Contact me for details.


Booking form



All Illustrations by Michael Johnson ©2015 Zubsongs, Ltd.
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